March 31st 2024
Spring is starting and we made the effort to re wild and replenish areas of the woodland that have been neglected.
Trail maintenance was carried out on the OG rollers half way down the trail and the bottom of FREERIDE was given support to prevent people skidding to a stop on the newly planted bluebells.
Committee members present: 5
Community volunteers: 14
General observations for this month: The trails are very popular in the local area with a wide ride range of ages and users. With that we have seen a slight up tick in litter which we are preventing by doing more active litter picking. The long term goal is to explore working with TRASH FREE TRAILS to try and educate people and encourage people not to litter. We have also seen some rougue building happening which we have been keeping on top of. Perhaps with time we will need to propose more for the bikers to use but for now we will continue maintaining our three trails.

dirt diary.
See what we've been up to, click the images below for updates on our maintenance.