May 26th 2024
Monthly update:
New tools day! Todays maintenance day saw us using the first of our kindly donated funds to buy fresh tools for the crew!
Our recent work on OG and Freeride are paying dividends and this months maintenance day went into the lower Berm Burner. Generally the site is looking really healthy with spring in full swing and our earlier re wilding from March and April starting to show signs of success.
Litter on the site is down drastically and there has been regular usage from locals enjoying evening sessions with the days being longer.
We have one issue with a fallen tree which is dangerously hanging above the OG lower section causing us to close the trail until the Council can remove the fallen tree.
In May we purchased new Public Liability insurance for HTA to host maintenance days.
Natural barrier has been fixed for a third time and now has plants intertwined with the dead fall fence. New signage installed to help guide people from walking over OG.
Maintenance day:
This months maintenance day saw us turn our attention to the Berm Burner. With the lower section feeling rough and lacking some love we aimed to buff up some of the berms and try and make the track more engaging with some tight turns where previously there were longer flowing berms.
The top half of the track was running well so we started half way down, starting with some drainage then moving on to re working the berms.
Thanks for reading this months Dirt Diary and we look forwards to seeing you at the next maintenance day on Sunday 30th June 2024.
Committee members present: 3
Community volunteers: 14
Next we will be working on Free Rides step up take off. We are also hoping to get the OG lower section open again by working with the Council to clear the deadfall.
We would also like to make progress on the following:
New signage across the site.
Inclusion of a trail map and grading system
Notice board on site for live updates
Request at least one bin on the site from the Council
See if we can incorporate benches anywhere on the site.
Got thoughts/want to have your say? Drop us an email hemlocktrailassociation@gmail.com with your phone number and name. We can add you to the Riders/Maintenance crew WhatsApp where we are regularly in touch to make sure Hemlock is running perfectly for everyone.

dirt diary.
See our previous dirt diaries.