April 28th 2024
Monthly update:
This has been an exciting month, from our fantastic fund raising success on Just Giving seeing us raise over £1600.00 in just 24 hours. To signing a license agreement with Broxtowe Borough Council which guarantees we will be maintaining the trails until at least 2026 it’s been a busy month here at HTA.
Maintenance day:
This months maintenance saw us concentrate on drainage across the site, with heavy rain overnight it was the perfect chance to identify troublesome areas. Our dedicated volunteer crew started with a litter pick, before replacing our natural barrier that had been damaged but is in place to stop people crossing the OG at the wrong spot. We re aligned the top of OG’s berms so now they work perfectly, mellowed out the first table top so no one should get kicked anymore and drained A LOT of puddles.
This month also saw our introduction of a Trail Maintenance Log. An internal document where we outline areas of the hill most in need of repair. If you ever see a problem on the hill please let us know so we can add them to the list and make sure we keep the trails running tip top this summer.
Also - Want to be more involved? Drop us an email hemlocktrailassociation@gmail.com with your phone number and name. We can add you to the Riders/Maintenance crew WhatsApp where we are regularly in touch to make sure Hemlock is running perfectly for everyone.
Thanks for reading this months Dirt Diary and we look forwards to seeing you at the next maintenance day on Sunday 26th May.
Committee members present: 3
Community volunteers: 5
General observations for this month:
Spring has started and our re wilding projects from last month seem to be doing well. People have been respecting the taped off areas and the ground is being given chance to re grow. Litter on the site is still an issue, and we hope to work with the council to provide at least one official bin within our area.
We had some issues with rouge building throughout the Easter half time but having spoken to the people involved they have now stopped.
The future is bright for HTA and we are excited for what this year brings, we plan to form a community interest company and focus on our our commitment to monthly maintenance days to keep the trails running well. In the coming months we will start using our community funding to purchase equipment required for the maintenance of Hemlock Stone Trails.

dirt diary.
See what we've been up to, click the images below for updates on our maintenance.